Saturday, November 15, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

One more quick post (I know what you are saying right now - TWO posts in one day???) I really need to get better about writing down the things that Quinci's says, especially when they are so dang cute and insightful!

The other night we were at my parent's for Sunday dinner and Quinci went to the park to play with her cousins. She came back quite a bit later, minus her shoes (for anyone that knows my daughter, this is not unusual as the child NEVER has her shoes on for more than a minute after we reach our destination!) Scott asked her where her shoes were and she shrugged her shoulders and tried very desperately, but unsuccessfully, to blame it on someone else (another recently added personality trait, that I am assured will pass...) Scott made her go with him back to the park to look for them. They came back successful and Quinci had the biggest smile on her face. She said she wanted to tell me a secret (the girl LOVES secrets!) and whispered in my ear that while they were looking for the shoes, their search was proving unsuccessful and so they said a prayer and the shoes were instantly found. She was so excited (I wish I could truly convey the awe and excitement that were in her voice as she told me, but you will just have to imagine it!) I was grateful for her daddy seeing the most perfect of circumstances providing such a fantastic teaching moment and taking the time to do so. I know that Quinci learned something special and important at such an ordinary time. I started to cry (of course!) and gave her a huge hug. I was so proud! My "baby" is truly growing up! Maybe this teaching stuff won't be so bad after all.


quadmom said...

Oh my goodness Kelly! That is so sweet! You're such a good mommy!

cindy said...

Oh sweet Quinci, I can just imagine her soft little voice in pure amazement! I just love that little girl!

Arian said...

Hey cute girl! I heard a rumor at church today that you aren't being a very good girl when it comes to bed rest. Walking the mall and dinner at Cheesecake Factory?? What would Dowswell say?! :)
Let's for sure stay in touch even after we move. Come join us in Gilbert some day soon. Oh, and I better hear all the details when the babies come. I am so excited for you and your sweet family.

Kat said...

How sweet! Ethan had a moment like that this summer when our van wouldn't start and he said "I think we should say a prayer". We went out a little while later and it started right up!

I just sent you an email...

Kara said...

Hey Kelly, I didn't know you had a blog! Quinci is so sweet. :) You gotta start posting again, though I understand why u don't. ;) Our blog is :)